

My first piece of art is a level, and it is based on my waterfall design in Ideas and Test Pieces.

I have gone with a forest waterfall theme as my game is based around animals vs humans so it would make perfect sense to add a forest level into my game. I tried to make the background a little bit 3D by adding trees to the cliff top, this is so I don’t have only 5 trees in a forest.

I started the background by doing the floor, I needed to make sure that the player looks like they’re not floating on the background, So I began working on the grass and dirt, after I had that in place, I needed to figure out what I was doing with the waterfall, so I began making a light blue pool with rocks on it, I then decided I want to add the cliff side, at first I was just going to make it a cliff with water flowing down, but instead I added the clifftop with trees on it, I decided this was a better way to emphasis the fact that this was a forest.


This is my wolf sprite sheet, it was something I made in my level 2 FMP, this was during the mythology theme, and I decided I wanted to make the wolf god Fenrir, now Fenrir in the story isn’t actually red, but I wanted to give him a menacing feeling so I used red as it can be used as a symbol of danger, when I wanted to do my animals vs humans game, I quickly remembered I can use my old wolf sprite as it’d perfectly fit my theme.

I was originally going to re-colour the wolf. but I decided not to go ahead with it, as I feel like it’s a nod to my old game Immortal Kombat, besides I like the red for danger symbolism.

When making this I didn’t want to go overboard with my animations, as being a programmer I don’t have time to focus on my artwork to much, so I decided I’d make him bite his opponent, it had decided it was going to be a claw animation at first, but in the lore of Fenrir, he bites off the god Tyrs hand, so I thought that would make more sense.


This is my mechanic sprite sheet, I wanted to have a mix of genders within my game, so I made a female mechanic, trying to break any stereotypes, I wanted the mechanic to have an interesting hair colour, as I like the idea that people with odd colour hair are the protagonists as they stand out more.

I first began on working on the body, this was a simple shape and to be honest I made her a blob, the face was to be as simple as possible, If I just did the eyes I wouldn’t have to worry about animating the mouth.

The mechanic idea is something I always wanted to explore, but I needed a way for her to fight, so in the process of looking up mechanic tools, I decided to go with a giant spanner. The spanner idea has always been an idea of mine, using a giant tool as a weapon sounded like such a good idea, so I decided to finally put it into practice with this character.

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This is my combat code, this is what manages, health, attacks, animations and button switching. I’ll explain each function and what it contains.

Public class CombatManager:

Animator, this will grab the animations I made within Unity and allow me to call upon it within my code, I called my healthbar and player animation, these were the only animations added into my game as I didn’t have enough time to create more characters. The RectTransform, is my canvas for the buttons, this was so I can switch buttons when it’s a players turn. My private integer is what controls the state of the animation, each animation is numbered for me, that’s how I like to separate them, as it’s a lot easier to call in code. And the last thing on the list GameObject which let’s me call the players within code when I need to apply something to them.


This is the function that runs code on startup before anything else, In my Start(), I turned on the animation for my player 1 and 2, that way when it’s called upon in code, it’s ready to play. I also did the exact same thing to my healthbar, I turned on my animation as you can see by is stating, p1HB and p2HB. The _whosTurn_ tells the game that player 1 started first, which will be used later.